The Map of Vivere

An interactive map of Vivere. Click here BROKEN ON MOBILE PLEASE CLICK THE LINK.

Informational Maps

There are two major alliances at play in Vivere.

SINA - Slovenial-Iriliks Nations Alliance. (Green)

CSDO - Collective Security and Defense Organization. (Red)

These two are heated rivals with a constant balance of power being in play.

There are three more minor alliances

IASA – Iliaq Allied Security Accord (Orange)

SPAG – Security and Peace Alliance of Glanha (Purple)

GIDC - Glanha Independence Defense Coalition (Blue)


Major Economic Groups

Again mirroring alliances, there are four major continental unions

SlovGrup - SG (Purple)

​Nuskia Sovereign Union - NSU (Yellow)

​Iliaq Pan-Nations Union - IPNU (Orange)

Glanha Union of Cooperation - GUC (Light Blue)

Tri Trade Conference - TTC (Turquoise)